Presentation (Oral & Poster) Information
Oral presentation
Oral presentations are organized in sessions scheduled in specific lecture rooms, which will be indicated in the program, together with the time of the presentation for each contribution. Each oral presentation is 12 minutes. The presentation length includes the time for change-overs and discussion. The allocated presentation time cannot be exceeded!
- All sessions are run in a fully hybrid mode using the lecture room settings for in-person attendees, combined with a system to enable virtual participation.
- In-person presenters must give a live presentation. It is strongly recommended that virtual presenters also present live, in order to benefit from audience feedback and questions. A pre-recorded talk may be submitted in exceptional cases, such as if all (co-)authors are unable to present live due to substantial time-zone differences, unstable internet connection, or other challenges. Session conveners must be informed in advance if this applies.
- The presentation file for the morning sessions must be uploaded to the computer in the corresponding meeting room half hour before the start of the morning meeting. The meeting presentation file for the afternoon sessions must be uploaded to the computer in the corresponding meeting room half hour before the start of the afternoon meeting.
- In-person presenters must forward their slides themselves, while for virtual presenters, the conference assistant in the room will forward their slides. Each presentation is shared simultaneously in the conference room and virtually, so that it can be watched by in-person and virtual attendees concurrently.
- For virtual attendance, we strongly recommend downloading and using the Zoom client. To ensure sufficient quality, your bandwidth must have a capacity of at least 4 MBit/s upstream and 4 MBit/s downstream.
Poster presentation and attendance
- Poster boards are in portrait format, and authors can make use of the full dimensions of 841 mm width × 1183 mm height.
- Pins are used for attaching the poster to the poster board. These are available at the poster board. If you require any/ more pins, please consult with staff at the facility desk in the respective poster area.
- Conference assistants in the poster area may assist authors in putting up or taking down posters.
- Authors of in-person posters are kindly requested to put up their posters in the morning of the day of their allocated display time. The poster can remain hanging for extended discussion during the day of the presentation, but the presenter must be present at the poster for their attendance time.
- Authors of in-person posters are requested to take down their posters within 6pm of the day of the presentation. Any posters remaining during clean-up will be removed and disposed of by the conference staff.