Abstract Information

We invite you to submit abstracts for talks and posters pertaining to all aspects of paleoscience. Each registered participant (either virtual or in-person) for the PAGES OSM meeting is allowed to submit a maximum of three abstracts. Please specify your oral or poster preference. The conveners of each session will organize oral and/or poster presentations depending on the number of submissions, and their relevance.

In order to avoid a session being dominated by orals by session conveners only, only one convener per session can give an oral presentation. There is no limitation on poster presentation. 

There will be no printed version of the abstract volume distributed at the meeting, but it will be available online. Please note you must register before submitting an abstract.

Please note that only posters submitted by in-person attendees will be accepted and displayed. There will no virtual poster session.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically using the online abstract submission form, available in the registration system, and follow the instructions given below:



The abstract submission deadline is 10 December 202410 December 2024.


Abstracts should be submitted in English.
Abstract submission open: 1 Aug 2024

Abstract Size

Your abstract should not exceed 500 words, including references (if any). Please copy your abstract from your text editor and paste it in the text box in the online abstract submission form, available in the registration system.


Please capitalise Names only.


Please complete the author list using the form provided for this purpose in the online abstract submission form. Keep in mind that the person submitting the abstract will be automatically designated as “presenting” author. Corresponding author(s) can be the same person, or a different person, from those in the author list.


Text is copied in the abstract field as plain text. Special characters can be inserted.

Figures, images or pictures may not be included in the abstract.


Please put optional references at the end of the abstract text (if any). Do not exceed a maximum of three cited references.

Reference list must be ordered alphabetically.

Please find below the suggested reference styles for each category:

Journal articles:

Zorita E, von Storch H (1999) J Clim 12: 2474-2489

Lehner F et al. (2012) Quat Sci Rev 45: 85-94

Kellerhals T et al. (2010) J Geophys Res 115: D16123

Book chapters:

Masson-Delmotte V et al. (2013) In: Stocker TF et al. (Eds) Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Cambridge University Press, 383-464


Fritts HC (1976) Tree Rings and Climate. Academic Press, 582 pp

Conference proceedings:

Osman M et al (2022) 3rd IPICS Open Science Conference, Crans-Montana, Switzerland


Baerbel Hoenisch. (2021). Paleo-CO2 data archive (Version 1). Zenodo.


Paleo-CO2 data archive 2021 accessed on ‘day-month-year’ https://www.paleo-co2.org/

In text citation

Citations (if any) in the text should follow this format: (Schmidt et al. 2005). Multiple in-text citations should be ordered alphabetically and separated by a semi-colon e.g. (Anthony et al. 2010; Burger 1965; Turner et al. 1989, 2010; Zulu 2005).

Use “et al.” when there are more than two authors or editors. Only publications that are at least “in press” (and have a doi) will be included in the reference list.